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Savvy Apparel是一家服装产品开发公司 & 服装和时尚行业的缝纫承包商. Savvy has been involved in the development of many apparel collections being sold at well known retailers such as 诺德斯特姆, 梅西百货, 好市多, 沃尔玛, 以及遍布全国的高端精品店. 正规赌篮球的APP内容包括:服装设计, 模式使, 数字化, 分级, 标记, 技术包, 原型, 最后的样品, 采购, 生产管理, 和生产. We are heavily involved in the development and production for street wear men’s, and women’s apparel. 逐渐, 我们的产品类别已扩展到运动服, 滑雪穿, 户外登山, 骑自行车运动, 休闲, 生活方式, 工作服.





To establish Savvy Apparel Studio as the leader in the development and production of apparel goods, 同时尊重我们的效率价值观, 精度, 创造力, 和诚实. 我们使设计概念和想法成为现实, 不仅为老牌服装品牌, 还有刚刚起步的小企业. 我们让梦想成真.




对时尚的热情深深植根于MABEL MONTALVA的DNA中. “Growing up in my parents’ clothing factory in Chile, I knew that fashion was my destiny. I love everything about it; the 创造力, 纺织品的手感, 看到我的设计变成现实的喜悦.”

梅布尔’s (pronounced Ma-bell) designs and technical expertise have attracted high-profile clients, 包括梅西百货, 诺德斯特姆, 好市多, 和沃尔玛, 仅举几个例子. 她的服装系列出现在全国各地的高端精品店, 从男士到女士的街头服饰应有尽有, 休闲, 从工作服到包括滑雪服在内的表演服装, 登山, 骑自行车, 锻炼装备. 当被问及她成功的秘诀时,梅布尔微笑着回答说:“秘诀? 没有秘密! 我一辈子都在做这个职业. I’ve dedicated myself to perfecting the craftsmanship and artistry necessary to stand out in this industry, 我对自己和我的业务都保持着严格的质量标准. 我的经验远远超出了时装设计师的范畴.”

As a child, 梅布尔 learned how to sew from the professionals in her parents’ factory. Post high school she traveled to Europe to study fashion design and industrial pattern making at the prestigious Escuela Guerrero in Barcelona, 西班牙. Escuela Guerrero以严格的性能标准而闻名. 梅布尔的期末项目获得了学校的最高奖, 不仅仅是获得奖学金, 还要有教师证书.

1998年,她移居美国,并与丈夫结婚, 罗伯特·阿拉, 然后开始在诺德斯特龙公司从事销售工作. 2001年,梅布尔和罗伯托迎来了一对双胞胎. During the next five years 梅布尔 took on small design projects until opportunity knocked at her door. 树荫下的衣服, 犹他州的一个小品牌, 在引进帽袖衬衫后获得了难以置信的成功, 是什么让他们登上了时尚版图. 梅布尔 created designs for them that were body conscious without revealing too much skin. 树荫下的衣服 quickly became the leader of the “modest apparel” trend in the mid-2000s. 她的第一个游泳系列引起了巨大的轰动. “One day I was at the community pool, and I counted eight women wearing my designs.”

在Shade,梅布尔戴过很多帽子. 她不仅设计了, 但是发展模式, 管理的下水道, 进行工厂审核, 采购新的面料和配件. 有这么多业务方面的经验, she opened a small studio of her own w在这里 she could experiment with new concepts.

By 2008 she was ready to grow, and took on a new client, Modbod, another modest clothing brand. Modbod的新东家希望积极发展业务. 的y acquired another company, Undertease, which had accounts with 诺德斯特姆, 沃尔玛, and 好市多. “多么忙碌、忙碌、激动人心的时刻啊!梅布尔惊叫道. Her responsibilities were similar to her position at Shade, with the addition of fabric design. 她到处旅行, 在哥伦比亚进行工厂审核, 萨尔瓦多, 多米尼加共和国, 和印度.

她的工作越来越受到关注. In 2009 she was featured as one of the 10 Coolest Entrepreneurs of the Utah Valley by Utah Business Quarterly. 她设计了一系列新的女性基本款,并将其命名为梅布尔·蒙塔尔瓦, 终于在她的作品上加上了她的名字. Shortly t在这里after she was approached by the LDS Church to create wardrobes for eight missions in Chile in celebration of the church’s 50 th anniversary in the country. 她接受了这个委托,搬回智利住了两年. “这是一个梦想项目. 我甚至在我家族的企业工作了一段时间.”

2012年回到美国, 梅布尔开始在盐湖城社区学院教授时尚创业. 她在学院的课程表上增加了一门新课程——制作. 这两门课今天仍然很受欢迎. During this time, she was hired by DownEast Outfitters as a 技术设计er. She created tech packs for them using the latest product lifecycle management software, 每月处理大约40种新款式, 包括直列产品. 她去上海审核工厂的生产情况.

2014年,梅布尔再次成为母亲, 她决定退休,这样她就可以在家照顾孩子了. 但这并没有持续太久——persnicky的童装来了, 梅布尔发现自己沉浸在服装行业的一个新领域. 这一次, 然而, 她为公司提供裁剪和缝纫正规赌篮球的APP, 在犹他县建立了自己的工厂. 她还设计了一个名为Lolabelen的服装系列. 2015年,这家人搬到了内华达州,梅布尔在那里建立了一个家庭工作室. 她自己的服装品牌——“她旅行”和“天使愿望”——就是在那里开始的. 杠铃服装, 专营运动服, 也加入了她的工作室, w在这里 she still creates technically demanding clothing for them from concept through production.

SAVVY APPAREL STUDIO成为了梅布尔时尚之旅的下一步. 它是有机发展的,是她各种技能的自然集合. “I’m fortunate to bring together my professional training and many years of experience in this business. I have a solid foundation and an intuitive understanding of clothing construction. 我对设计和制造都很精通. I understand that the tiniest error can lead to the loss of an entire production run, 这就转化成了美元. My standards are high – they have to be, to protect my clients and my own business.”

作为悟性服装工作室的首席执行官和技术时装设计师, 梅布尔不仅有机会尽情享受她对时尚的热爱, 但同时也是为了展示她的创业实力. Savvy是一家提供全方位正规赌篮球的APP的公司, 提供的不仅仅是设计, 但是图案制作, 原型和样品, 材料采购, 生产管理, 服装生产. 萨维尔在美国加利福尼亚州和犹他州设有制造工厂, 有专门的美国/英国团队处理日常产品开发. 梅布尔 has assembled an expert sourcing team of 43 individuals based in Taipei, and holds contracts with more than 50 fabrication facilities across the globe. 有了这种国际影响力, Savvy is able to leverage locations and reduce operating costs to provide maximum production value for clients.

这位充满激情的企业家接下来要做什么? “全球经济增长. 有很多小设计师都有大创意. 我想帮助他们把产品推向市场, 我处在一个独特的位置,可以从头到尾提供帮助. 这是一种不可思议的祝福!”





  • 设计
  • 技术设计
  • 技术包
  • 模式使
  • 并列出
  • 标记
  • 原型和样品
  • 生产管理
  • 采购




  • U.S. 在加州和犹他州的生产工厂
  • 海外生产地位于中国和越南


We can manage your production process with any factories within the US or Overseas.

  • 监督世界上任何一家工厂的生产
  • 质量保证
  • 审计
  • 检查

- - - - - -推荐



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